A Day in My Life After Quitting my Job
Last month, I quit the best job I ever had. It took me a whole year to come to this decision, but as of Feb 16th, 2021 I have stepped down as the Chief Content officer at The Futur.
Ever since I made that announcement, I’ve received thousands of messages of support. I appreciate all of you. While it’s sad to think my time has come to and end, I have many amazing memories and friendships that will last my entire lifetime.
Why did I leave? In short: I hit a growth ceiling and I needed a break. You can read more about my decision to leave here.
I’m in no rush to start a new job. Because my previous self has been so financially responsible– saving money, minimizing expenses, and diversifying income streams– I have the privilege to take it easy and take a short break. To slow down, quiet the noise, and discover what creative opportunities are calling for me.
In this break, I'm finding stillness as I move through each day. And I wanted to share what a typical day in my life looks like, as I'm going through this process. While each day is slightly different, I find myself going through four distinct phases, based on my energy as it ebbs and flows.
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Wake, Reflect, and Plan
My mornings start very slow. I usually wake up around 7:30am, no alarms, My body just wakes up when it’s ready (or when my dog, Chuy, tells me it’s time).
I make some coffee, and sit down to think. The mornings, I’ve found are the best times to reflect, write, and plan. I’ve recently picked up my 5-Minute Journal again, to help me set the right intentions for the day. To practice gratitude, and visualize a positive day ahead of me.
To keep track of my daily to do list, I started using the Analog system by Ugmonk.
Mornings are so precious to me. It’s quiet, and is time for me to sit with my own thoughts, before I take action for the day. It’s also a chance to spend some quality time with my wife, Belinda, before she heads into work.
Move and Make
Around, 11:00 am, I move into doing something active. This time is when my body is the most energetic.
I try to get a short workout in, anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes to just get the blood flowing. Some of my favorite fitness channels right now are BullyJuice, ThenX, CalisthenicMovement, and FitnessFAQs. I use minimal workout gear, and track everything using Notion.
After quick workout, I move into something productive. I dedicate this part of the day to creating content for this channel and working on a few home projects. Last year, I really got into home improvement and DIY projects, so I’ve been using my time lately to design, document, and build things that improve my environment. If you want to see regular updates of my projects, follow my instagram.
One reason I really enjoy this type of work is that it takes me away from my computer, and the busyness of being online. The process for building furniture is slow, methodical, and is a welcome change of pace compared to what I was doing in my previous job. Being disconnected for a few hours in the day, helps me slow down, focus on the task at hand, and reconnect with my own thoughts.
Lunch and Learn
After a few hours of work, I eat my first meal late in the day. Most of the time I order delivery, but occasionally I like to cook. Something simple, nutritious, and filling.
After lunch, I continue to work on my projects until my energy is spent. I then move onto activities that are a little more passive but nourishing to my growth. These are times when I watch content to study, listen to interesting conversations on Clubhouse, or spend a little time learning something new.
To get through the afternoon slump, I usually have a glass of home made cold brew coffee.
Unwind and Power Down
As day turns to night, my ability to focus and my energy levels come down. I switch gears and do things that help me unwind. Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of video games. My current favorites: Destiny 2, Call of Duty, and Jurassic World Evolution.
I also like to use this time to play my guitar. I’ve found it so beneficial to have a creative hobby that has nothing to do with my regular work. Something that brings me joy through creative expression, without the pressure of any expectations.
For dinner, I wait for my wife to get home, so we can eat together. Normally, we’re both exhausted so we usually order in. We catch up over dinner and retire to the couch to watch TV until we get tired. Then I head to bed, to recharge for the next day.
Watch a Day in my Life After Quitting my Job at The Futur.
What's Next?
That’s what a typical day in my life looks like, right now. Each day is a little different, but I try to make the most of it by taking things slow, listening to my body, and enjoying the time I have.
I don’t know what’s next for me in terms of a career, but for now, I’ll be making content and figuring out my path forward, one day at a time. I'm in no rush. I just want to find stillness, so I can hear my creative voice again.